Financial Performance

From 2021, all schools must publish their financial performance on line so that parents may compare the performance of Ibstock Junior School to other similar schools.  When reading this information, people should be aware that the financial information is provided from central govenment and is not able to be amended by the school. In addition, the most recent information is always a year in arrears.  This information is shared with governors and reviewed at least annually. The 'basket' of schools for comparison is determined by the benchmarking school and looks at similar sized schools with similar characteristics around the country.


Key information which might be of interest to parents

  • The school receives less income per pupil than many similar schools nationally and consequently spends less (over a £1000 less/pupil than some)
  • The school spends proportinately more on teaching than most schools which we feels supports our above average outcomes for pupils over time
  • We keep our staff costs low
  • We keep our premises costs low


Overall, the school provides good value for money for local parents.


A link to the school’s dedicated page on the schools financial benchmarking service