
Safeguarding is the term schools, police, medical professionals and others use to refer to children's welfare. In the first instance if you have concerns about a child's welfare at Ibstock Junior School we would ask you to come to us. However sometimes it may seem better to go to another agency.

Below is a link to the Leicestershire and Rutland Safeguarding Board which provides further information and links which you may find useful.


At Ibstock Junior School we have five trained staff for Safeguarding Issues

Mr Lewin  Headteacher - Safeguarding Lead

Mr Carte  Deputy Headteacher - Deputy DSL and DSO

Mrs Whitehouse Assistant Headteacher - DSO

Mrs Lewin Special Educational Needs Coordinator - DSO

Mrs McCarty Family Support Worker - DSO


In addition, Mrs Veneziale is our Safeguarding governor and regularly monitors the Safeguarding provision at the school. 


Click here for link to policy page


If you have concerns about children in Ibstock please report your concerns to their school's Designated Safeguarding Lead.

St Deny's Infant School 

Ibstock Community College


We also invite in the NSPCC to discuss the importance of safeguarding. 


The Childline number is 0800 11 11, and the website is (click here to be redirected).


