For our Summer term PE curriculum each year group will be doing the following:
Block 5
All year groups will be doing athletics as we build up to the biggest athletic competition of the year. Children will engage in a variety of track and field events. Teachers will be assessing children in each lesson and some children will then be selected to compete against all schools in the North West Leicestershire District at Saffron Lane. Last year we came home with several medals!
Furthermore, all year groups will be engaging in teacher's choice lessons. This gives staff an opportunity to choose sports they are confident or enthusiastic in, to engage the children in participation.
Block 6
All year groups will be practising and developing their tennis skills. Children will learn a range of shots as well as hand-eye coordination skills that will be transferrable to a range of other sports.
Years 3 &4 will be taking part in rounders lessons. They will develop their batting, bowling, and fielding skills whilst learning the rules of rounders. Many skills learned in this unit will support children as they move through the school and show progression of their physical skills.
Years 5 & 6 will be taking part in cricket lessons. They will develop their batting, bowling, and fielding skills whilst learning the rules of cricket. Many of the skills that children have learned previously in rounders are transferrable to cricket - especially fielding and throwing.