
We have implemented the 2014 National Curriculum and teach all of the objectives through exciting curriculum topics. Each year group covers six topics per academic year (one for every half term) that we choose from an excellent planning resource called Cornerstones. Within these topics, we teach a wide range of subjects, which are led and managed by different teachers and school leaders. We believe our curriculum is engaging, fun, and enables our pupils to learn a range of important knowledge and skills.
The curriculum subjects we teach at Ibstock Junior School are: English, maths, science, PE, RE, history, geography, PSHE, computing, art and design, design and technology, music and languages.

Approach to homework at Ibstock Junior School  

Please follow this link to see a powerpoint explaining the reading aloud programme.  There is also a copy of the letter sent to parents.

Parentreadingaloudletter.pdf .pdf
readaloud.pptx .pptx