Water Safety â€“ LCC 


Leicestershire Youth & Justice Service are currently working on raising awareness for children and young people to stay safe around open water. Please follow their social media profiles to see what content they are currently sharing on this topic. 


Facebook: Leicestershire Youth & Justice Service 


Instagram: @Leicestershire_Youth 


In the last 5 years, 39% of all UK drownings occurred in June, July and August. This is why it’s so important to raise as much awareness as possible right now. 

We know that on a hot day, it might seem like a great idea to cool down in open water to young people. However, swimming is prohibited in the canal and river trusts, and this is for good reason.  


There are too many risks such as: 

  1.  Depth perception
  2.  Hidden dangers under the water
  3.  Cold temperatures
 These videos may well be hard-hitting for our pupils, but the reality is that our pupils must understand the risks and dangers about water safety. Please watch them first, before showing your child. For further helpful information please see below: 


·       Water safety for teenagers and young people Â·       Summer water safety Â·       Water Safety Advice Â·       How to Float - would you know what to do if you were in trouble in the water? Â·       Shock 

Water Safety â€“ LCC 


Leicestershire Youth & Justice Service are currently working on raising awareness for children and young people to stay safe around open water. Please follow their social media profiles to see what content they are currently sharing on this topic. 


Facebook: Leicestershire Youth & Justice Service 


Instagram: @Leicestershire_Youth 


In the last 5 years, 39% of all UK drownings occurred in June, July and August. This is why it’s so important to raise as much awareness as possible right now. 

We know that on a hot day, it might seem like a great idea to cool down in open water to young people. However, swimming is prohibited in the canal and river trusts, and this is for good reason.  


There are too many risks such as: 

  1.  Depth perception
  2.  Hidden dangers under the water
  3.  Cold temperatures
 These videos may well be hard-hitting for our pupils, but the reality is that our pupils must understand the risks and dangers about water safety. Please watch them first, before showing your child. For further helpful information please see below: 


·       Water safety for teenagers and young people Â·       Summer water safety Â·       Water Safety Advice Â·       How to Float - would you know what to do if you were in trouble in the water? Â·       Shock